Momi 摩米

Momi - Alfalfa Grass

small animal food
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Originating from Central Asia, it has high yield and is rich in minerals and high-quality protein.

It is highly nutritious, so attention should be paid to the timing and amount of administration. Adult rabbits should be fed as little as possible.

Alfalafa is highly nutritious and is necessary for pets in certain periods of high nutritional demand: nutritional supplements during early childhood (growth period), pregnancy/lactation, and during/after illness.

No matter what period of time, alfalfa should not be provided alone. Because alfalfa is highly oral, once pets get used to eating this kind of food, they may refuse to eat if they switch to other types of grass. Therefore, they must be fed with other types of grass to avoid partial eclipse, especially when young rabbits are young.

In addition, legumes can easily cause flatulence, so be careful not to give too much at one time.

Momi Premium Alfalfa