General Questions

Yes, you can. But we strongly recommend that you register as a member to enjoy our exclusive monthly discounts and promotions. In addition, you will not earn PetDollar if you buy as a guest, so we recommend that you purchase as a member to earn PetDollar.


Unfortunately, points of PetDollar cannot be addended later, you have to login to your Q-Pets account and checkout in order to earn your points.

Not a former PetDollar member: If this is your first time purchasing from Q-Pets.com, you should register a PetDollar account with the same phone number after registering as a Q-Pets member.

If you are already a PetDollar member, but you are shopping at Q-Pets.com for the first time, you need to register again at Q-Pets.com with the same mobile phone number as PetDollar, and then the system will automatically save the points to the original PetDollar account according to the registered phone number after the purchase. However, if you purchased as a guest, you will not earn PetDollar.

1 year.


Your PetDollar will be deducted according to the purchase amount of your order.

No. If you have a special circumstance, such as a phone number/address change, please contact our Customer Service Officer via email to let us know your new information and we will update it for you.

Within 2-3 business days of receiving the order.

Purchase Inquiries

You can contact our Customer Service Officer via email for enquiries, we are happy to assist.

We will do our best to fulfill your purchasing needs. For products or brands that we currently do not carry, please email to pidcs@jebsen.com. We will do our best to source the product for you or to suggest great alternatives.

You can select the frequency you want to order by clicking "Subscription Order" in the Purchase Options section and then place your order.

For subscription orders, we will charge you on the same purchase date each month.

循環訂購訂單會在自動續訂四次後自動取消(包括首張訂單),  請留意您的首三次訂購是固定的 (不可更改、暫停、跳過或取消)。
And cancellations (including cancellations after three subscription orders) are subject to an additional service charge of 4% of the total order amount or HK$300, whichever is higher. If you have any questions, please let us know and we will be happy to help.

Your subscription order will be automatically renewed 4 times and then paused, so it will be delivered 4 times, regardless of the delivery frequency you have chosen.

Your order will be shipped to your home the same frequency as your subscription order.

After payment, we will process the order and it will take 5 working days to deliver to your home, in case of typhoons and rainstorms or other uncontrollable factors, the delivery time may be delayed. Please check your subscription order email.

Your first order can be shipped with your other purchases (single purchase), but subsequent orders cannot be shipped with your other purchases (single purchase). If the subscription order is less than HK$400 and the delivery address is within the delivery area, we will charge a delivery fee of HK$90 (HK$150 for Lantau Island and other outlying islands) per order. If the delivery address is not within the delivery area, we will charge a delivery fee as appropriate.

You can contact our Customer Service Officer via email for enquiry, we will be happy to assist. However, please note that once a new product is added to the original subscription order, all future orders will have the newly added product as a new order, and the cost may change accordingly, and you will be notified by email of the newly changed order.

As soon as you start a subscription order, you will be billed for your first delivery. Your next billing cycle will coincide with your next delivery date. For subscription orders, we will charge on the same purchase date each month and the subscription order will be delivered after payment is made. You can manage your subscription order at any time through the " Subscription Orders" on your account information page.

Please login to your account and click on Subscription Orders to view your subscription orders.

Otherwise, you will receive subscription orders in the mail and click on the "Subscription Orders" link to view your order history.

Payment Inquiries

Credit card (Visa/MasterCard), American Express, PayPal (Visa/MasterCard).


Please make sure you have entered your payment information correctly (i.e. credit card number, expiration date, CVN, 3D Secure PIN).

Delivery and Shipping Fee Inquiries

If the total order amount is over HK$400 and the delivery address is within the delivery area, we provide free delivery. If the total order amount is less than HK$400 and the delivery address is within the delivery area, we will charge HK$90 (HK$150 for Lantau and other outlying islands) per order for delivery. If the delivery address is not within the delivery area, we will charge a delivery fee as appropriate.

We will specify the delivery date on the email and deliver the ordered products to the delivery area, which means any location in Hong Kong, but excluding the outlying islands, Lantau Island, Ma Wan, Tung Chung, Discovery Bay, restricted areas/zones requiring specific permits or licenses for entry/exit, and such other locations as we may determine from time to time at our discretion. Deliveries are normally made between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays from Monday to Saturday (excluding Hong Kong public holidays). To avoid doubt, we will not accept any delivery outside the delivery area.

We currently only ship to Hong Kong. We do not ship to Macau, Mainland China or overseas at the moment.

  1. Pick up at store, you can click here for the address of the pick up store.
  2. SF express lockers
  3. Home Delivery

We will try our best to deliver the products within 5 working days from the date of receiving the delivery confirmation email.

We will try our best to arrange delivery within 1-2 days working days afterwards.

For self pick-up, please click here for the phone number of the pick-up store and call our stores for opening hours.

You can contact our Customer Service Officer via email for enquiry, then please provide the following information: order number, time of receipt, missing items and photos of the items in the box.

We will try our best to assist you as soon as possible.

SF orders can be tracked on the SF website. For other delivery methods, you can check/will receive an email on the member page of the website stating that the shipment is in progress.

Deliveries will be placed on the ground floor at no extra charge. If you need to have your order delivered to your door, please contact our Customer Service Officer and we will be happy to assist you.

No, since the free shipping coupon already provides a free shipping discount, no shipping fee will be charged.

Yes, the shipping fee will be charged because the coupon has already provided a discount.

You can contact our Customer Service Officer via email for enquiry, then please provide the following information: Order number

We will try our best to assist you as soon as possible.


An SMS message containing the order number will be sent to your registered phone number. Please pick up your package within the valid period.

When you arrive at the pick-up store, please show the SMS message you received to the store staff, who will check the phone number with you and assist you in picking up the item.

Once the order is confirmed, the automated logistics process will be activated and the system will immediately send the order details to our warehouse for transportation. Manual changes to a confirmed order may result in record discrepancies and affect delivery arrangements. A 4% or $300 handling fee will be charged for cancellations made by the customer. If you have any questions, you can still contact our Customer Service Officer via email.

Sorry, you may not change the pick-up arrangement by yourself.

If the order has not been picked up for more than 3 days, it will be returned to the warehouse automatically and the customer will be charged 4% or $300 handling fee for re-pickups.


Return & Refund


You can contact our Customer Service Officer via email for inquiry, then please provide the following information:

  1. 產品品質問題之照片及影片 
  2. 產品外包裝完好無損 
  3. 所有隨產品贈送的贈品 
  4. 訂單收據 
  5. 送貨發票 

We will try our best to assist you as soon as possible.


Within 1-2 weeks. The refund will be made to your credit card.